
Hi there!

By now you probably know that my name is Cristina Mena and that I’m a graphic designer, but that’s not all that I am. I’m also a pretty cool auntie, a movie/TV geek (I religiously watch The Office at least once a day), and a mother to a 9-year-old lovable chihuahua.

I’ve been involved with the world of graphic design ever since I was in high school. Adobe programs such as Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop have practically been my friends for about 10 years now. Throughout that span of time, I’ve picked up other skills ranging from pre-press and print production knowledge to motion graphics and video editing, which are actually really fun once you get the hang of them.

My professional experience working as a graphic artist at XL Digital Imaging taught me immensely about the large-format printing process, while my professional experience as a graphic designer at Exeter Finance taught me immensely about what it’s like to collaborate with a creative team and how satisfying it feels to see a project come to life. These past experiences have played a large role in sharpening the skills that I possess today.

As I embark on my job search, I look forward to sharing what I’ve learned with future co-workers, and can’t wait to learn even more from them.